
Outcomes Star

Outcomes Star Training We're delighted to announce that Kamal Khan, our Head of Quality and Service Management, is now a Licensed Outcomes Star Trainer! Kamal is now accredited to deliver training to everyone in our team to implement Outcomes Star for all our young people. Outcomes Star is an evidence-based tool used [...]

Outcomes Star

City of Westminster Award

Silver Birch Care are very proud to highlight the award one of our young people recently received from the City of Westminster! On Tuesday 22 October, a young person in our care was recognised for his commitment and achievement in education with an official certificate from the City of Westminster. This certificate is not [...]

City of Westminster Award

Supporting Young People with Education

Supporting our young people with school enrolment and work experience   At Silver Birch Care one of our core objectives is to create a supportive environment that helps facilitate each young person’s access to either education or vocational training, and supporting them on to a diverse range of employment opportunities. We are delighted to [...]

Supporting Young People with Education

Building Confidence and Supporting Development

At Silver Birch Care, we strive to help our young people build confidence through experience, and support their development through facilitating a healthy balance of both leisure and work related activities. Read some examples below. Confidence An example of this is one of our young people at our Leyton unit who is doing very [...]

Building Confidence and Supporting Development
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