We are delighted to announce that we have been appointed as one of the two provider representatives on the Southwark Safeguarding Board.
The aim of the Board is to make sure that children and young people in Southwark are kept safe from harm and abuse. Its job is to coordinate the work of everyone working with children and their families so they can protect children effectively.
The Board publishes an annual report which provides an outline of the main areas of activity and achievements of the Southwark Safeguarding Children Board. The report also reflects on the work plan and provides the public, practitioners and stakeholders with an overview of how well children and young people in Southwark are protected and maps the challenges ahead in order that the multi agency partnerships can prepare to manage them.
We very much look forward to being part of the Board, and are aware of the importance of the role and work involved. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with them over the next 12 months and assist in their endeavours. Stay tuned for further updates!