Outcomes Star Training
We’re delighted to announce that Kamal Khan, our Head of Quality and Service Management, is now a Licensed Outcomes Star Trainer!
Kamal is now accredited to deliver training to everyone in our team to implement Outcomes Star for all our young people.
Outcomes Star is an evidence-based tool used to measure the outcomes of young people. We will be adopting The Journey of Change model, where the defining characteristic is to focus on the young person changing their attitudes, skills, and behaviour to become increasingly self-reliant.
We will focus on six principles of enabling support, which were developed as a result of working across various sectors and organisations to model the change process.
The six key enabling support principles are:
- Relational: built on trusting, empathic, reliable, and committed relationships.
- Motivational: building the young person’s strengths and sense of agency.
- Development: building skills and capacities.
- Flexible: tailored to what a particular young person needs.
- Holistic: looking at the whole of someone’s life, not just the particular problems that have brought them to the service.
- Contextual: taking into account wider factors shaping their lives and current experiences.