Deprivation of Liberty of Safeguards (DoLs)
Silver Birch Care staff are now DoLs trained which equips them with the understanding and knowledge of this procedure.
Deprivation of Liberty of Safeguards (DoLs) is an important procedure set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 legislation which ensures that those who cannot consent to their care/support arrangements within a home, are protected. Our staff are now DoLs trained which equips them with the understanding and knowledge of this procedure. This means that we are now able to support looked after young people that may require some form of deprivation of liberty in order to keep them safe, and to ensure they are well supported within the home and in the community. DoLs can consist of a set of deprivations for young people and ultimately restraint, which is carefully considered at any time, and only used if deemed necessary.
The professional teams and staff will ensure that any care or support that limits a young person’s liberty is done in the least restrictive way and is in their best interests.
We understand that some young people will require additional support whilst a DoLs order is in place, and we are very happy to advise that we can now support with any young people that may require this. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.